Sunday, June 28, 2009

Garden Overhaul Plans

W and I keep arguing about the garden. He wants it to have greenery year-round. I want to grow a million vegetables.

When we first moved in here, we both fell in love with the garden. It was full of plants, fruit trees, ornamentals, even a few vegetable beds! How lucky! I remember feeling very much in awe of the woman who created the space - she was so knowledgeable to grow all these plants herself (we found out she had done so many years ago from bare dirt).

The more I learn about gardening and plants, the more I realize she really didn't know what she was doing. There is one huge hazelnut tree and three big fruit trees on the south side of the garden. Beneath those, on the south side, are two raised beds. Nothing can grow there! I've tried for two years now to get something to grow there - lettuce gets about 4 inches high and then stops. They are completely in the shade by early June! Plus the trees are crowding eachother so badly (even with pruning) that I think one will have to go.

There are two Eucalyptus trees in the entrance-way. I talked to an Arborist after our bad winter storm (when I was afraid one of them was going to topple over). He said, "You know, so many people plant Eucalyptus here in Western Oregon and they always have to be taken out because the soil and climate are not at all right for them."

So, sadly, we are going to have to make some changes. We may have to completely remove the Eucalyptus trees and the cherry tree. The cherry is smashed in between the two other trees and I'm afraid that we will have a lot of disease on our hands soon if we don't remove it.

The fruit trees in general need lots of help. They are ok, but I'm currently reading The Backyard Orchardist in hopes of learning how to better take care of them. We like fruit too! Not just vegetables, and I want to be sure that we are keeping our trees healthy!

So tonight W and I talked about really re-arranging things. It will be a LOT of work, but it will be a lot better. We love the herbs and the plants in the garden, they just need better spots! We are also going to start a tree for D, hopefully a little peach tree.

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