Monday, June 8, 2009

About This Blog

This blog is about our home garden and the things that go with it. I have been learning to grow vegetables here in the Pacific Northwest. We live in the city, but there is a lot of space out here, not like in San Francisco, where I grew up. There is space between the houses, crickets and bats at night, and a lot of trees (a lot of trees).

The weather out here is pretty conducive to year-round gardening (with the occasional extra bad cold spell), which is exciting. 2009 marked my third year at an attempt to grow anything, flowers or otherwise. This is a chronicle of our yard and what we are doing year by year. Mostly it is a way for me to chronicle for ourselves what we are doing, but I hope it is of some interest to other vegetable gardeners.

Sometimes I also put up some random things that are nature-related, or that are food-related. I am also learning to preserve the harvest, which is part of food gardening. There may be other avenues to explore as well as I find more time and get better at gardening.

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