Sunday, July 29, 2012

next year, a new garden

so much has happened, i can't put it all down here, but i decided to stop trying to do it all, basically. i let things go, i let the weeds grow. i took a good look around and stopped trying to force things that weren't there. i let the herb wheel come back, to become wild again. i focused ONLY on the beds out front, and even in those i only planted a few things.

i was busy living life, changing my life. i was busy starting a business, having my child home with me simultaneously. i was busy recreating my own life's path, busy making new friends and enjoying their company. and i dropped the ball on trying to catch up with martha stewart and my good friend, S. this year, i have sat back and decidedly NOT beaten myself up over not planting anything, not worried about whether i have anything in the ground, not worried about how tall the weeds have gotten or how badly things look. and i've created some priorities going forward, which feels much much better.

this year we DID plant stuff. we planted sunflowers and lots and lots of strawberries. we picked lots of strawberries and mulberries and made pie. the grapes from my clipping are coming in strong and the blueberries are doing well. we got chickens this spring and they now roam the yard, and our neighbor's yard, pooping and doing their thing. the tulips came up, and lots of wildflowers.

next year will be a new year. i plan on doing some intense soil amending and getting ready this fall. i plan to build a lean-to before it rains, and repaint the porch. but that's it.