Monday, July 5, 2010

Stunted Bed

The two beds that we made from the leftover old pile of concrete bits is not doing that well. I realize that saying I made a vegetable bed from "leftover... concrete bits" sounds like well, of COURSE it would not do well ...

I still haven't done much investigating, but everything growing in the first bed is extremely stunted. In the other bed, the wildflowers have done well, and so have the strawberries, but everything else looks yellow, sickly and also is simply not growing. Root maggots? Bad soil? There are lots of quick, black spiders running in and out between the rocky concrete, and in March and April they had egg sacs, and were fiercely defending their territory (one bit me and it hurt like hell!). So my other thought is that somehow their presence draws other bugs that are affecting the plants. I will have to do some more investigating. Here is a picture of the sad, tiny plants (lettuce, tomatoes, chard, and pumpkin are all the same size).

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