It's never fun smooshing the slimy bodies of paralyzed green aphids off of the undersides of greens, but, alas, I was doing it again this evening, washing the mustard greens. I think the most dreaded part of gardening is spending the back-breaking hours washing produce.
And I learned my lesson with the leeks. Today I pulled ten FAT, LONG, WHITE leeks from the ground (every other one in the front bed, so that the others could continue to expand)! They are truly a success, and I owe part of their success to my friend S who gave me the babies. But I did learn my lesson in "hilling up" and making sure to avoid dirt in between the leaves. I should have hilled them up even more. The remaining ones are scrawnier and even more dirty.
A! your leeks are looking great... sorry to have missed your blog till now.
ReplyDeletepart of my apparent resolution of late is to do a better job of finding and sharing meaningful content to engage with on the internets. your blog is making me want to visit the big p sometime soon!
yes! somehow i never get notified of comments on my blog...hmm, must change that. your blog is awesome as well and i hope to follow more meaningful communication as well. come visit! we'd all love to have you! and just think, you could eat leeks like THESE!